Cranberry for Urinary Tract Infection
Healthway Organic Food Store Bulletin May/June 2009
Reference: Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy: 2009, Vol. 63, No. 2, 389-95.
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extract prevented recurring urinary tract infection (UTO) as effectively as
standard antibiotics, with fewer side effects. Researchers explained that
bacteria learn to resist antibiotics, and wanted to find preventive non-drug
alternatives that don’t increase bacterial resistance. About 140 women aged 45
or older with recurring UTI took 500 mg of cranberry extract or 100 mg of the
antibiotic trimethoprim per day for six months. Both groups had a new infection
after about 90 days, but 78 percent more women on trimethoprim dropped out due
to side effects such as itch or rash, compared to the cranberry group.